
One day superman was flying around trying to think of things to do. He was bored and had no one to talk to so decided to call up some old friends.

He first called spider man and said, "Hey how are you doing, I have not seen you for awhile and thought you might like to hang out." Spider man told him that he was awfully busy and just happen to be in hot pursuit of bad guys at that very moment. He was in the middle of climbing a wall to catch some crooks and was talking on his cell phone so had to go. Superman was beginning to get bummed.

He thought and thought and suddenly came up with Batman and Robin so decided to call. He got them on the Bat phone and said, "Hey guys I'm just out flying around and thought that you guys would like to go chase some girls around for a little while." Batman and Robin said they were sorry but did not have time, they were in the middle of chasing the Joker in their Bat Mobile and really could not talk. "What should I go do then," asked Superman. "Well," said Robin. "I have an idea, why don't you go down to the beach fly around and scope out the babes, they always like super heroes."

That is a great idea, thought Superman. I can fly around and use my ex-ray vision to spot out young ladies then drop down to say hi. So superman set off to see what he could see. While flying over the beach he looked off in the distance, using his ex-ray vision of course, into a deserted area and saw Wonder Woman laying buck naked on her back apparently sun bathing. Superman thought for a moment and said to himself, "I am faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall women in a single bound, and stronger than a locomotive. I believe I can swoop down bang Wonder Woman twice and be gone before anyone notices. So he put his arms back in a delta, pointed his toes, rolled his shoulders forward, to save altitude, and dove down poped her twice and was gone. Wonder Women jumped up and said, "What was that?" "I don't know," said the invisible man. "But something just got me twice up the Butt."

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