Corny Jokes

Corny Jokes

Corny Jokes are so silly, dumb, or stupid that you have to laugh at them. Some corny jokes may even have a delayed laughter effect as the punchline may not hit you until hours or days after hearing the corny joke! hopes you enjoy reading ALL of our jokes. Please be sure to share them with your friends.

Dyslexics Lightbulb
Brown Bell
The Middle of Nowhere
Bicycle Stand
Cross a Rooster and a Duck
Classic Animals in the Fridge
Crossing Mammal and Fairy Tale
Acting Flies
In The Bathroom
Five Balls
Two Hot Muffins
Pete In A Boat
The Cross-Eyed Teacher
Crossing Worm
Favorite Time of Day
3-Legged Dog
Boll Weevils
Dog ... Gas
Batman and Robin
Felt Up
No Pun
Who's There?
A Hand for the Band
Swallowed A Pin
Sarcastic Remarks #2
Sarcastic Remarks #3
Sarcastic Remarks #4
Sarcastic Remarks #5
Sleep Muffler
Sarcastic Remarks #6
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