Home Improvement

This frog is outgrowing his lily pad and decides he would like to make some home improvements. But, he doesn't have the money, so he decides to try and get a loan.

He goes to the bank and asks to borrow money. He takes a seat at loan officer Patricia Black's desk and explains his dilemma. "I want to upgrade my lily pad, maybe add another wing, but I don't have the cash and that's why I'm here. Can you lend me the money?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no...what can you offer as collateral?"

"Collateral? What's that?"

"Well, collateral," explains Ms. Black, "is something of value you put up against the possiblity of default."

"Well," says the frog, "All I've got is this paperweight...you shake it up and it snows on the little village. Cute, huh?"

"Hmmm... I don't know. I'll have to speak to my manager."

She enters her manager's office. 'Mr. Bitterby, I've got a frog at my desk who wants to borrow money for lily pad improvements. But all he can offer for collateral is this glass paperweight."

Mr. Bitterby takes the paperweight, hefts it in his hand, looks straight at her and says, "It's a knick-knack, Patty Black, give the frog a loan."

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