Family Debts

The newly appointed chairman of the local fund-raising committee decided to call personally at the home of the town's wealthiest citizen, a man known for his tightness with a dollar. Remarking on the impressive economic resources of his host, the committee chairman pointed out how miserly it would seem if the town's richest man failed to give a substantial donation to the annual charity drive.

"Since you've gone to so much trouble checking on my assets," the millionaire retorted, "let me fill you in on some facts you may have overlooked. I have a ninety-one-year-old mother who has been hospitalized for the past five years, a widowed daughter with five young children and no means of support, and two brothers who owe the Government a fortune in back taxes. Now, I think you'll agree, young man, that charity begins at home."

Ashamed for having misjudged his host, the fund raiser apologized for his tactlessness and added, "I had no idea that you were saddled with so many family debts."

"I'm not," replied the millionaire, "but you must be crazy to think I'd give money to strangers when I won't even help my own relatives."

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