Good Health

An elderly man and woman go to the doctor for a checkup.

First the doctor calls the husband in. "Well, sir," he says, "you are in excellent health for your age. How do you do it?"

The husband replies, "I get by on love from my wife, and when she can't help me, the Lord does. Like last night, I went to use the bathroom, and when I opened the door, the Lord turned the light on for me."

After agreeing on what a wonderful story that was, the doctor called the wife in. "Well, ma'am," he said, "You are in excellent health. How do you do it?"

The wife replies, "I get by on love from my husband, and when he can't help me, the Lord does."

"That's remarkable," says the doctor, "Your husband says the same thing." The doctor then retold the husband's story, finishing with "...the Lord turned the light on for me."

"Oh dear," said the wife, "He's been peeing in the fridge again."

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