Dead Duck

There was this duck that walked into a bar and sat down in a stool and the bartender said, "can I help you"?

The duck said, "quack quack quack got any raisons?"

The bartender said, "NO! This is a bar and we dont sell raisons."

The duck walked out and then he came in the next day and sat in the very same stool!

The bartender walked over and asked him if he could help him?

The duck said, "quack quack quack got any raisons?"

The bartender said, "NO this is a BAR we dont sell raisons!"

So the duck walked out again and left. He came back the next day and sat in the same stool once again!

The duck yelled at the bartender, "quack quack quack got any raisons?"

The bartender said, "NO. And if you come back here once more I am gonna nail your webbed feet to the ground and you are gonna die there."

The duck said, "ok", and left.

The next day came and sure enuf the duck came back except he only peeped his head inside the door. He said, "quack quack got any nails?"

The bartender replied, "No!!"

The duck said GOOD, then ya got any raisons?

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