Possible Titles for Monica's Autobiography

* "I Suck At My Job"

* "What Really Goes Down In The White House"

* "How I Blew It In Washington"

* "Work Hard to Find the Softer Side of the President"

* "Clear and Present Boner"

* "Testing the Limits of the Gag Rule"

* "Going Back for Gore"

* "Podium Girl"

* "Secret Services to the President"

* "Harass is Not Two Words: The Story of Bill Clinton"

* "Deep Inside The Oval Office"

* "The Congressional Study on White House Intern Positions"

* "My Chief of Staff"

* "Al Gore Is In Command For The Next 30 Minutes"

* "How To Beat Off the Government"

* "Going Down and Moving Up"

* "Members of the Cabinet"

* "Me and My Big Mouth"

* "How To Get A Head in Business"

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